i just solved elucidation qn 27! omw im so relieved. spent the past hour or so wrecking my brains over it. almost wanted to give up and go to sleep, coz margaret also took super long trying to solve it the other day, what more me trying to solve it at 1am. but even when i put it aside i couldn't stop thinking about it. then finally when i was brushing my teeth, i received enlightenment!! conclusion: if you're stuck, brush teeth =D
today was an extremely long and dreadful day (9 to 9), and so is tmr =( spent more than 20mins trying to hail a cab. during that period i kept thinking about the yomeishu ad (the lady who had poor blood circulation and scared all the cab drivers away coz she looked like a ghost) praying that that wasn't happening to me.
my body aches =(
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
you know how they say too many cooks spoil the broth but right now i think it'd be terrific if i had an extra brain.
brain #1 will memorize aim, method, and theory and reliability.
brain #2 will memorize procedure and safety considerations.
oh and it'd be even better if there were a brain #3 to memorize all the other crap for lecture test. but then again, who cares about lecture test. SPA >>>>>>>>> lecture test.
This week's eat all you can buffet:
chem lecture test
chem SPA
econs test
bio SPA
RCLF dry run
(and loads more crap)
but then again, im really thankful for the great friends that i hv been blessed with. they brighten up my day =D
haha i think sometimes we do really childish things (e.g. things which we last did in pri sch) but that's what happens when you study till you go kuku x)
epic fail #1: grace's table got owned
ro, pls dont kill me for this video, and thnx for failing to delete it from my phone =D
epic fail #2: we were playing guess the song game (ro & wendy were supposed to act out the song being played on their ipod while we guessed it) and WINNER ro got a bit too distracted by the camera + she thought i was taking a photo LOLLLZZZ.
Posted by
12:37 AM
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
late nights are always the best for emo-ing.
i have rekindled my love for "if we hold on together" by diana ross.
i remember how aunty peggy spent numerous lessons trying to teach me the song on the piano. when i think of aunty peggy i think of her umbrella x)
been rather cranky recently =( but today kind of turned out to be much better than expected. being trapped in a bomb shelter for 3hours on monday evenings doesn't seem that bad after all. mr billy is really funny, even if he doesnt intend to be so. plus, the food there really perks us up. we were totally pigging out the whole way. next week we're gona try the mee goreng, incentive to arrive early.
i love watching shows, especially dramas. tragic dramas make me appreciate my current life, since the problems i face pale in comparison to those depicted in the dramas. light-hearted dramas on the other hand help me toss aside any stress/worries and bring me into a whole new realm.
i realise my posts at unearthly hours tend to be nonsensical. i shall stop here, lest i begin lamenting about how i forgot to have breakfast in sch this morning and ate imaginary macaroni and cheese during math lecture.
Posted by
12:56 AM
Saturday, February 28, 2009
"Perhaps you are very dissatisfied with yourself. You are not a genius, have no distinctive gifts, and are inconspicuous when it comes to having any special abilities. Mediocrity seems to be the measure of your existence. None of your days are noteworthy, except for their sameness and lack of zest."
when i came across this during devotion the other night, the first thing i thought to myself was "ohmyword that's me yes thank you God for your understanding and comfort!" but then i continued reading and i realised what the passage was trying to say- its not about me, its about Him.
"Be willing to be only a voice that is heard but not seen, or a mirror whose glass the eye cannot see because it is reflecting the brilliant glory of the Son."
hah, i guess sometimes a revelation doesn't necessarily come warm and comforting- it could come cold and sharp like a bucket of water.
that passage reminded me of this song
"its all about You, Jesus
and all this is for You
for Your glory and Your fame
its not about me
as if You should do things my way
You alone are God and i surrender to Your ways"
this was really a wake up call for me, considering how i've been so caught up doing things for the sake of myself/my reputation recently. next week is gona be crazy, but i shall run this race with faith and with my eyes set on the eternal prize.
on a random note, never drink daisy milk at 2am/just before you sleep. YOUR BREATH WILL STINK, like mine does now.
on an even more random note, we were laughing over the whole pile of you-tiaos that the "lin" family had on their breakfast table on last night's dreamcatchers. it was a conversation about love over a breakfast scene but throughout the entire thing i was just so amused by the whole pile of you-tiaos supposedly meant for 3 ppl. HAHAHA. i think they actually bought them for the whole crew, and conveniently decided to chuck the whole pile in the scene. hiok actually counted-21 you tiaos!
Posted by
1:43 AM