had brown rice for lunch and dinner today. ugh, i hate brown rice. it smells horrible and it tastes even worse. so for lunch i washed the entire bowl of brown rice down my stomach with a humongous bowl of soup. and for dinner just now i swallowed it down with loads and loads of long beans (not that they taste any much better though). haha eating brown rice is a torture.
ohwells, but to make up for all the torture during dinner i had oven-baked chicken with potatoes too! they were heavenly =D and im quite satisfied with myself today coz i ate quite a lot, especially for dinner! on top of the bowl of brown rice i swallowed with long beans and fish, i had 3 drumsticks and 2 wings and 4 potatoes. hurray!
and i guess i shouldn't be complaining about the brown rice coz i gave thanks before that =P so, Thank you Lord Jesus for the wonderful food, especially the brown rice. If it is Your will, may i eat brown rice for breakfast, morning tea, lunch, high tea, dinner and supper tomorrow. AMEN (=
HAHA OKAY ignore that x)
and i just realised how hard it is to get stuff for guys. my brother's bday's coming soon and i have no idea what to get him! haha its not like buying stuff for girls whereby if you really really have nothing in mind you just buy them stuff toys (this works very well for me hint hint) or make cute lame stuff for them or bake cookies for them or give them chocolates or write them an emo letter. oh yeah and on top of not knowing what to buy for him, i have NO TIME! it's like right smack during our MYAs and i am in no mood to go shopping. yes no way am i going shopping this weekend. nope. i think i'll uh give him a belated present. HE'LL UNDERSTAND (=
random: i spent half an hour crying in bed the other night. HAHA DON'T ASK ME WHY. it was just random emotions taking me over. but i felt really good after crying! its like all the stress and troubles were released in the form of tears (except the next day i went to school with red eyes la haha)
okay off to practise math. back to reality.