Saturday, July 28, 2007

went down to support cdiv yst, after which we had team dinner (and another cake XD) haha it was so funny they saw the cake with 7 candles, so the waitress played the BIRTHDAY SONG over the stereo system x)

check out what i made for audrey!

cool eh. i spent one whole hour doing it until my hands were all pain from the twisting and poking of the wires. its supposed to be audrey's favourite msn action \oo/ 2 heads and 2 arms! then after i made it everyone thought they were GLASSES and some even thought it was a bra o_O then i was like "aiya its ABSTRACT! nvm, im sure my friend whom im giving it to (AHEM AUDREY) will be able to recognize it at FIRST GLANCE!" but thnx alot audrey also thought they were GLASSES! =(

anw, we were making alot of noise and camwhoring at the restaurant. first we were being LIAN with the oh-so-familiar 1-10 poses. (hehe if you can actually recognize, 8 is FLEMING'S LEFT HAND RULE)

then the 3 jokes were trying to be EMO. do pay special attention to the butter knife and antibiotics (supposedly a chopper and drugs)

charlotte: im on the brink of is meaningless...goodbye cruel world....

audrey: hmmm....this seems rather intriguing. the pain feels exhilarating!

jody: hmm...should i use the pills or the knife first...

OKAY but its just all in the name of fun! we're all happy and straight =D