options assignments are totally driving me bichoso!
geog + chemmm =(
how anti-inflammatory drugs work:
The enzyme COX-1 present in your stomach synthesizes prostaglandin which protects your stomach by keeping its lining thick. anti-inflmmatory drugs inhibit this enzyme, thus they have a tendency to cause STOMACH ULCERS. my stomach was already growling previously, hah reading this didn't really help.
anyway, had 6/1 class gathering today. it was a totally great time of catching up! we never really had to chance to sit down together and talk for 4 years. ah im too tired to blog in detail now, shall do that next time.
philo oral was okay i guess. though there were many times in the discussion when i was just speechless, i just didn't know what i should say coz too many things were going through my mind. but while i was doing my bible reading that night, i came across this verse:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55: 8-9
hah i felt really glad when i read that! because after our discussion i was just telling michelle how i felt about the whole thing. and surprisingly she agreed with me! i mean i thought ppl would just pass it off as me being defensive. haha i guess that kind of settled whatever was going through my mind.
meanwhile, new song again haha. michelle ang, this goes out to you for fightpoking me on fighter's club and decreasing my credit by 0.01 just minutes after i supported your fight and increased your credit by 4.95! BEI PAN! grrrr
haha but anyway if this song sounded familiar to you, it was the ending song for po jian er chu x) and goodness shi xin hui can go super high!