whooo we just got a handsome amount for singing at aunty jeanie's silver anniversary. see tess, not that bad after all! and the dessert was ornie, elegantly labeled on the menu as "yam puree with ginko nuts" LOL.
another opportunity has been presented to me to patch things up, but i guess im just being too stubborn and sore about the whole thing. frankly speaking, i really can't be bothered. but i know that's not what God wants me to do. and i can sense it through the awkwardness i feel in their presence.
my parents are going to paris next week. i'll feel lonely and scared at night =( i've managed to pack the weekend with sleepovers though. haha this is called when the folks aren't in, turn the house upside down.
stayed back after sch for 1hr yst just to train for NAPFA. haha we were like doing push-ups in the middle of the corridor right outside the gym with random guys staring at us wondering what we're doing. and then i stayed back for another hour just to talk to margaret. somehow when i meet margaret randomly after sch we can just sit down and talk till the cows come home.
anw i went swimming for the first time in 4 yrs today WOW. i hope that will help my NAPFA somehow. haha although i have totally lost my form after not swimming for 4 yrs, i feel that my significant growth in height has actually enabled me to swim much faster now! there was this poor boy who looked so exhausted cause he took like multiple strokes just to move slightly forward. ah i felt so sorry for him cause i was once like that too. HAHA.