Wednesday, June 25, 2008

this is really pressurising. almost the whole of 3G has been MIA on msn over the past few days! which means they have been caoji-mugging. haha but i've also been MIA on this blog for more than 3 weeks.

but this is so disturbing why is everyone mugging like freaks! the only exception was eli who came on at 1am last night and started swooning over wentworth miller after watching prison break.

shall update about the hols and camp and stuff when CTs end. not on friday though, will be busy chionging church camp video (hah that means no post CTs-partying after bio on friday).

CTs really have laxative effects man. i was totally detoxified by the time econs paper started yst. spent some time after the paper comforting justine with my "there's so much more to life than education and grades" theory. HAHA i think this is less of a theory than it is a comfort tactic. but isn't it true! there's so much more to life than studies. ok but for the rest of this week, CTs are our lives =/

philippians 4:6-7 comes in handy here (:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.