Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Perhaps you are very dissatisfied with yourself. You are not a genius, have no distinctive gifts, and are inconspicuous when it comes to having any special abilities. Mediocrity seems to be the measure of your existence. None of your days are noteworthy, except for their sameness and lack of zest."

when i came across this during devotion the other night, the first thing i thought to myself was "ohmyword that's me yes thank you God for your understanding and comfort!" but then i continued reading and i realised what the passage was trying to say- its not about me, its about Him.

"Be willing to be only a voice that is heard but not seen, or a mirror whose glass the eye cannot see because it is reflecting the brilliant glory of the Son."

hah, i guess sometimes a revelation doesn't necessarily come warm and comforting- it could come cold and sharp like a bucket of water.

that passage reminded me of this song
"its all about You, Jesus
and all this is for You
for Your glory and Your fame
its not about me
as if You should do things my way
You alone are God and i surrender to Your ways"

this was really a wake up call for me, considering how i've been so caught up doing things for the sake of myself/my reputation recently. next week is gona be crazy, but i shall run this race with faith and with my eyes set on the eternal prize.

on a random note, never drink daisy milk at 2am/just before you sleep. YOUR BREATH WILL STINK, like mine does now.

on an even more random note, we were laughing over the whole pile of you-tiaos that the "lin" family had on their breakfast table on last night's dreamcatchers. it was a conversation about love over a breakfast scene but throughout the entire thing i was just so amused by the whole pile of you-tiaos supposedly meant for 3 ppl. HAHAHA. i think they actually bought them for the whole crew, and conveniently decided to chuck the whole pile in the scene. hiok actually counted-21 you tiaos!