Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new year's eve! last post of the year! probably...haha.

oh yes! RESOLUTIONS! hurrr!

i shall review my resolution for 2006: daily devotion + read the bible in one year. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! haha that is provided i complete my last 2 days for this year. if i forget to do it tonight then it'll be a big joke. but i really thank God for giving me the patience and perseverance to complete the one-year bible reading plan thing. coz frankly when i first set this goal last year i was rather half-hearted. i knew that after at most 10 days or so i'd give up on this whole thing. but God knew better than me x) i really really wanna thank Him for helping me every single day. even though sometimes i was just so tired i told myself i'd skip it for today. or even when the situation seemed to be at its worst, (aka my bible getting soaked by sea water during obs) He still pulled me through =D

ah now fo 2007. i think im gona be very greedy. i've a lot of resolutions!

1) i know i've been doing devotions and reading the bible everyday, but sad to say i haven't been doing it with my heart, soul and mind. and so my goal for next year is to take them seriously! which leads to number 2!

2) do devotions + bible reading at a more TIMELY HOUR instead of 2am HURRR. i think i am A BIT shi bai! like say its dec30 today, then i do my devotion at 2am in the morning. so im supposed to be doing dec30's devotion, but by the time i do it its alrdy dec31! and so everyday my devotion is kind of like one day late. haha A BIT shi bai only.

3) PAY ATTENTION DURING MORNING SERMONS. oooops hahaha wasn't that a brave confession x) aiya i mean i do try to pay attention la! like listen...and er digest a little bit =) but sometimes i just really get so tempted i wander off into my own little dreamland. yeah so from next sunday onwards mel will be a good girl and listen with all ears and not daydream. even if she daydreams she will be daydreaming about how to apply the sermon into her daily life. HAHA IM SURE.

wheee done with resolutions! overall this year has been great. i mean...sad to say i haven't really been walking close with Him this year, despite the daily devotions and stuff. and well...maybe it will take another setback before i wake up and get back to Him. i hope that's not the case. THAT WILL NOT BE THE CASE! but God has still been really good to me! and to those around me =D and that's great! GOD IS GOOD! ALL THE TIME! i love that song.

anyway, went shopping with my mom and mel chen and aunty lileng today! haha rather fruiful i must say! but ohmyword i have been buying loads recently. i.feel.guilty. okay okay i shall add on to my resolution list for 2007: NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM NOW TILL JUNE other than breakfast lunch dinner teabreak supper and SCHOOL BOOKS. EH IS THAT POSSIBLE? IT SOUNDS SO IMPOSSIBLE OHMYWORD! but aiya its quite possible la! fine i shall make it sound a little more possible: FROM NOW TILL JUNE, I WILL NOT BUY CLOTHES OR SHOES. ohman that was so much easier! okay sounds great =D NO WAIT I MUST BUY PE ATTIRE! okay SCHOOL UNIFORM EXCLUDED. aiya wait....june is a bit too mean right. i think i shall change to march x) march it shall be!

wheee tmr (or rather today) is gona be a rather eventful day! church prize giving then year end dinner at night. i think im not gona get any prize this year. i missed 4 sundays! ohno this will be the first time in my entire life i dont get anything during prize giving! =( baah. nvm mel. its the heart that counts <3 oh then after year end dinner the peeps are coming over to our house for stayover! oh yeah the annual stayover we call that. HAHA! but by the time we come back its alrdy jan1! no countdown! coz my dad's speaking for watchnight service and so we'll have to stay for the service. i took a peek at his speech just now. its 10 pages dudes. BUCKLE UP! (and do buckle up for the next 2 sundays too heh)

woa its late. i shall go off now. HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE!