Tuesday, December 26, 2006

BLESSED CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! haha im NOT LATE. 12 days of christmas! =D

weheee! playing minesweeper with audrey now. IM SO GONA PWNZ HER!

anyway, watched CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER on sunday night! its such a sadisctic show! not a suitable show to be watching on christmas eve. hur hur! but our audience was super anti-climax. the first scene where jay chou appeared in his armour we found it funny and started laughing XD but anyway it was a great show! really a lot of effort and manpower put into the filming man. thousands and thousands of soldiers. and they really need THOUSANDS of helpers to put back the pots of chrysanthemum =P anyway i think the way gong li drinks her medicine is super cool! hahah ok abit the anti-climax. swooning over ppl drinking poison -.-

anyway, then yesterday went to church in the morning for chirstmas service. after that spent almost an hour exchanging gifts and cards! then jacq came over to my house to help my mom wrap presents. how nice! we were supposed to go out after that but charmant backed out so we backed out too. so sorry for spoiling your afternoon jacq! oh yea. JACQ! you took home my present from erlina! ahah i was so excited to open it la then i went searching around the house and it was MISSING! hahaha. now i'll hafta wait till sunday to receive it again =P

anyway, thanks to all for the cards and gifts! really appreciate them =) especially angie! that card was really really nice! oh tess! i heard you gave my bro a hairband for christmas! HIAK HIAK HIAK! i shall force him to wear it to the year end dinner XD

anyway, some photos:

lene and i! haha we were supposed to show that we were both wearing coaties but ended up showing off our presents.


haha this is super funny! these are cards for jacq and lene from ray.


it looks super nice right! its so cute and she spent so much effort doing it. so jacq opened the card hoping to receive and ESSAY. and this is what she got...


HIAK HIAK HIAK! poor jacq! in contrast, this is what lene got!


haha not bad eh! wait till you see MINE! x) x) x) i got yellow candy cane! im special! lol!


and my msg was the LONGEST. one line longer than lene's. hee!


wahaaa! ohwells. but i must say the sweetest card i ever received in my entire life was from ANGEL! it was LITERALLY an essay man! ohmyword the entire card was filled and the words were sooo small!

shoutout to angel: thank you so much for the card angel! it was really really sweet! my heart ALMOST melted. ALMOST but didnt =) anyway, i really think you've changed a lot too! for the better of course! ahha you're no longer in the pranking phase eh? and as mentioned in my card, i think we're the coolest angel-mortal pair ever! why? because YOU are in it! WAHA! (how corny) im really really glad for you k! i was reading your letters to me just a few days ago and i realised you were so mean last time! HAHAHA. when i read your sms yesterday, i couldn't believe that was the same person who bullied me and called me BRAINLESS and PRANKED me and pretended to DUMP me and called me IRRITATING just 2 years ago. HAHAHAH! anyway, in reply to your sms: Dear Lord, my prayer for angel is that you will bless and guide her in everything that she does and let her remain as nice as she is forever and ever and ever and ever and ever...and when all the forevers are done, then AMEN (= SARANGHAEYO ANGEL! (HAHA MY KOREAN VOCAB IS BETTER THAN YOU K I DIDNT KOPE FROM YOU!)

wheee my next post will probably be the last post for this year. and i'll do some emo reflecting and new year resolutions reviewing and settings then =D