Sunday, January 14, 2007

weheeee nc16s! mwahaha. ok that's not the point. I FEEL OLD. sheesh SIXTEEN. ohwell, but this is probably one of the most memorable birthdays i've had! because i spent like three quarters of it IN SCHOOL. doesn't it sound so exciting. LOL.

but it was seriously tiring man. my socks and shoes were all wet for the entire of friday la! coz it was raining and there was a humongous traffic jam and i was gona be late for school. so at like 715 we were stuck at balmoral road behind this whole row of cars. and my mom suggested that it would be a grand idea to get off the car and walk to school than to sit in the car and wait and be late. and so i got out of the car lugging my bagpack and my brother carried my humongous hand carry bag for me and we chionged all the way from balmoral road to school. I ALMOST DIED KAY. and that's how i got my shoes wet. it was really gross my feet were all wrinkled by afternoon =(

lala then had half-lessons half-orientation. then after school it was orientation all the way! ohman i think some of the sec1s this year are so cute. a few of them are only up to my stomach! do i feel tall or do i feel tall XD anyway, spsb06 crashed orientation at night. DEBBO! =D then we had night surprise! it was really cool. and i think the spsls were quite jokes. we kept on changing our attire just like 10mins before our performance. TUCK IN SHIRT. NONO TIE SHIRT. EH DONT WEAR TIE.

and after night surprise we went to bathe and i could FINALLY take off my socks and shoes. it was like a moment of JOY and REVELATION. and what could be cooler than spending the first minute of your birthday in the shower! XD at 11:59 ping fang counted down for me and they all sang a birthday song. haha. got showers of blessing summore!

then yesterday angel came back to give me my present! THANK YOU ANGEL! you are so nice! =D hahah sorry i made you run all over the school =( i could tell you asked almost everyone where i was. coz even after you left the whole world kept saying "mel this yellow shirt girl/cheerleader is looking for you!" LOL. and TUUUSSK you're so loser! why never talk to frankie just say hello only! haiyoooo. remember the advice i gave you?

firstly, since you abit shy shy right, when you see frankie you say "hi frankie!" must remember to wave madly! then you give her a box of chocolates and she'll be like "wow thanks! but chocs are ex!" and you can go "its okay! anything is worth my love for you!" TADA! instant attraction! bu no need to thank me. its just a LOONY job well done =)

HAHAHAHA! ooh boy that sounds waayyyy too familiar doesn't it? XD

so yesterday was the highlight of orientation: orientation concert! and guess which class won. DUH! MY CLASS! HAHA! yayy 113's in the house! we're hot! we're hot! woah and i just realised my sec1 class shares the same birthday as me man! 113 = jan 13! XD

=D then after the whole thing psb gathered for a debrief and FELI CAME BACK! then i was on the phone with tess arranging dinner then everyone was like chanting something so i said "eh tess its very noisy now i call you back later!" and when i hung up the phone i realised what they were chanting. everyone was staring at me and going MELLOON MELLOON MELLOON i was soooo scared la! i was like WTH WHAT ARE THEY GONA DO TO ME. then they dragged vivian and me in front (vivian's bday is today! happy bday vivian! =D) and i saw a BIRTHDAY CAKE. at first i was like ooh cool that's so sweet of them! then i recalled some of the psls' plan of smashing a cake into my face and i was like OOOHNOOOOO.

then weiling held the cake in her hands and put it right in front of us and we were like "AHH WHAT YOU GONA DO!" and weiling was like "relax la! just sing birthday song first!" then later we realised that MS LOW bought the cake and it looked kind of posh. so ms low+posh cake = CANNOT SMASH =D and so vivian and i happily went around cutting cake for everyone (ohman can you imagine the entire psb sharing one cake). and finally there was this small section left meant for the teachers. and PRO feli decided that it wouldnt be so bad to waste that much of a cake. and so she and natong took the cake up and started chasing me around the entire canteen! =( MEAN MEAN MEAN! my voice was alrdy hoarse from cheering and i was screaming like siao la. then NICE NICE sherrie was tryna PROTECT ME =D and so in the end they gave up. they gave me CAKE FACIAL instead. feli scraped up all the cream and smeared it on my face. thankyou feli! i shall repay your kindness on your birthday. DURIAN CAKE as requested by you (:

and so my whole face smelt of strawberry cream + cheesecake + oreo crust. anyway then met tess, charmant and jacq at fish and co for dinner. once again they embarrassed me! they said they ordered a tiramisu cake. but like suddenly halfway through the whole crew of waitors and waitresses came with the cake and candle. and i was like OHMYWORD then they asked me to stand on the chair so everyone could see me. WOAH i refused to la! but they kept pushing me to so i finally did. then "everybody here's the birthday girl in the house her name is melissa!" and they lit a sparkler and made me hold it. then they did some weird cheer. then everyone started singing a birthday song. and i was STANDING ON THE CHAIR. sheesh man so embarrassing! ok this is a bit anti-climax but the tiramisu cake was really nice =D

anyway just really wanna thankyou all for the sms-es/cards/presents/wishes! really sorry i couldn't sms all of you back coz i was in school. so i'll thank you all here!

in order of time, from earliest to latest:
peiqi, audrey, zhixin, tess, charmant, jackie (who was sitting right beside me when she sms-ed me), vivian siah, char (who was also sitting beside me and used my hp to sms me), serene, limin, minjia, dawn, sarah tan, charlene lee, michelle, charmaine, sijia, jasmine (ding or yam?), someone whom i dont know, another one whom i dont know either, feli (who was also sitting beside me), yaru, manda tan, jiejie ros, and last but not least, the laggest of the laggest who wished me TODAY: NICHOLETTE GOH =)

oooh and also for the cards and presents!
audrey, angel, frankie, jiejie ros, tess, charmant, sherry, my parents and my bro!

haha my brother gave me a STITCH speaker! stitch as in lilo and stitch's stitch! ohman its really cute! woah i shall try it when my laptop comes back. it crashed when i was away in school =( oooh and the best card i ever received: my mom wrote happy 14th birthday on my card. i was like o_O *blink blink* *glances at date on card* *2007* like DOOOD! i was one third shocked one third amused and one third dono-how-to-react. seriously man! HAHA!

gona prac some math now. math test tmr. boohooo.