Saturday, January 20, 2007

today was crazy. woke up at 8 and went to serangoon to do our filiming. then at 10:30 chionged to school for psl session. then at 12:15 chionged to church to prepare for tmr's jss. then at 2 chionged back to serangoon to continue or filming. seriously BICHOSO man! LOL! speaking of which, audrey gave me a KOREAN PHRASEBOOK for my birthday XD thankyou audrey! it'll come in really handy! ahhaha but of course, chinese is priority =P

filming today was quite smooth! cast: my grandma, sijia's father and yile. LOL. we're three quarters through our filming alrdy! JIAYOU PPL! 2 more scenes next week and we can start on our editing =D i really hope it turns out good! i mean, we can't tell until we add all the narration and music and sepia tone in. so...hope for the best!

anyway, today in church, guess what gloria told me. RAIN IS GOING TO THEIR SCHOOL!! ohmyworddddddd NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!!!! im soooo jealous! WOA TESS LEND ME YOUR UNIFORM! i wanna sneak in HAHAHA! seriously mannnnnn rawrrrr. RAIINNN WHY DON'T YOU COME TO RGS =( rain is cool rain is cute. I LOVE HIS SAD TANGO. ohmyword he and his dancers are cool man. the black capes + THE BODY WAVE.

anyway. my new craze, introduced by audrey: ALGORITHM MARCH! hahahaha its super funny la! i shall spread the love.

ALGORITHM MARCH PPL! SPREAD DA LOVE! GO LEARN IT! hahahaha! ohmyword the other day i was doing it in aurey's classroom with her and lanya and jinghan. HAHA WE LOOKED LIKE JOKES LA. but its good exercise =D

listening to ju hua tai now. LALALALA. oooh and im talking to my pri school friend zhixin now! ohmyword she rememberd my birthday and sms-ed me la! im so touched. and im quite shibai coz i can NEVER get her birthday right! i always get mixed up btwn 9 and 10 feb! ok she told me its 10feb. 10 feb 10 feb 10f feb.

i better do some algorithm march and exercises now! HAHA! warm up for tmr's jss. ohman jss is going under major revamping! haha today when we were practising we kept suggesting a lot of random actions for the songs then aunty evelyn was like EH YES VERY GOOD! and we were like o_O HAHAH! yes so all our random actions are being incorporated into the songs. the most lively one is WE WANNA SEE JESUS LIFTED HIGH! (and i incorporated one of the BALLOONS dance step inside HAHAH!) woaa i don't remember singing such songs in my time man! my time. haha. why do i sound old. I AM NOT OLD. I AM YOUTHFUL. no wait. im YOOF FOO. XD

algorithm march with the ninjas, here i come! (where are my ninjas?)