HAPPY VALENTINE'S! i am 2 minutes late. woops. i feel so shibai i didn't give anything to anyone this valentines, heh. coz i stayed up late last night to do the valentine's chinese love story! everyone was like chionging thinking it was due today and then finally after finishing we realised its due on friday =.=
but anyway chinese lesson today was really fun! in the spirit of cny laoshi let us do paper cutting while listening to cny music! the typical "dong dong qiang"s. x) but tmr (or rather today) we gotta do qing jing zuo wen =((
woah the past 2 bio lessons were really EXCITING! we're learning SEXUAL REPRODUCTION. and so mr lim prepared a whole series of videos for us to watch. on tuesday we watched animals having sex. it was really gross! especially the elephants! EEEWWW! HAHAHA. seriously gross la!
then today we watched a video on body development in HUMANS. HMMMM. haha mr lim sure knew how to time his exit to "get something from the staffroom". at first everything was fine and dandy. children laughing, boys walking up the escalator, girls playing...but the moment mr lim left the class, HOHO. the video sure knew how to create tension. they were showing this male and female standing opposite each other, like only a few cm apart. then the camera kept circling round and round and round. then later they stopped circling and started MOVING DOWNWARDS. ohmyword then everyone was like screaming "AHHH NONO STOP STOP STOP STOP DONT GO DOWN!!"
and so you can imagine how sore our eyes were after the whole thing. LOL. and we still have 4 more videos to watch! HURR HURR.
woah there's sli rehearsal again. which means i can't go for trng =( ohwells. bdiv is in one month's time. i don't even know if i can play by then. i don't care what team i get into alrdy. i just hope i can play.
hmm...i guess this can be a very valuable lesson learnt, to treasure what i have and not take my privileges for granted. everyone loves to say they wish trng would end soon/they dont wanna bowl now coz their bowling seems horrible. even i was guilty of doing so. and maybe God wanted me to learn my lesson and really understand the meaning of "i don't wanna bowl anymore". heh.
oh Lord please make my last year in this school a memorable one...