Tuesday, February 06, 2007

i promise never to do silly antics ever again. so yesterday afternoon i was lin shi bao fu jiao-ing. i half-ate my lunch standing in the queue then continued eating at the table while doing my cold compress (thnx audrey for helping me hold the ice hee) then ate my very last muscle relaxant pill. took painkiller too.

but it SO DID NOT HELP. tried swinging my ball for the first time in like more than a week. felt a little strain but just kept swinging. then finally i bowled. and after 5 shots i gave up. it really hurt =( well it hurt a lot subsequently. but today it was totally fine. DOES PAINKILLER TAKE 12 HOURS TO TAKE EFFECT??? OR DID I KILL THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MY PAINKILLER BY BOWLING. I DONT KNOW. so anyway, there goes my first day of roll offs. 4 games gone.

but it was kind of comforting to know that my bowling was still on form after not bowling for so long. i mean. THE ROTATION WAS THERE. dont talk about the ball speed it was obviously crawling like a snail. but at least it....erm...ROLLED NICELY!

ohwells...next roll off is this friday. i seriously pray hard i'll be able to bowl. shall try and go for trng this thursday. hmm yesterday was a day full of accidents. yuan teng fell on the lanes twice *ouch* and krystal's finger got smashed by a ball until it became swollen and she had to stop bowling....poor krystal =( i empathize with you.

why am i being so sadistic and talking about such morbid stuff! okay i shall talk about more light-hearted things. like how on the bus audwee and i were bombarding peiyin with our china experiences. the whole series of events/chain reaction. HIAK HIAK HIAK x) hmm i think i did a detailed recount of it in one of my very early posts. shall attempt to dig it up and chunk it here next time =D but just a brief description of how shibai we were: at 12am we decided that we wanted to eat beef cup noodles. and by the time we finished our cup noodles, it was alrdy 1:30am =) hmm...who on earth takes one and a half hours to cook and eat cup noodles? x)

oh yes ppl and i am finally proud to announce that i am able to sing the algorithm march song! and its IN TUNE kae audrey its not out of tune. today she came to my class and scirbbled the lyrics on some random page of my notebook:

ippo susunde maenarae
ippo susunde eraihito
hikkurikaete pekorinko
yoko ni aruite kyoro kyoro

chotto kokorade hiraoyogi
chotto shagande kurihiroi
kuuki iremasu SHUU SHUU
kuuki ga haitte PYUU PYUU

waah her handwriting is so hard to decipher! hmm i showed the lyrics to jing han and tried asking her to translate to english and see whether it matches the original one. NOT BAD NOT BAD =)

aights dinner time. ciaos.