Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ohmyword why on earth is mcfly's saturday night stuck in my head! its lyrics are super crappy and chicflic but the tune is just so catchy ohno. and the worst thing is it kept ringing in my head even when i was reading my bible. not very good heh. ARGHH GET OUTTA MY HEAD!

5 items today was rather okay. i got a B for my sit and reach! yesss can you believe it! for the past 6 years i've been struggling to even get a C, and this time round i got a B! =D hahaha but i got shortchanged of a lot this yr. sit and reach was our first item and i really wanted a C badly (if not no gold!) so i stretched like siao and i think i stretched a little too hard so my leg felt really strained =(

then during situps i got shortchanged of 5seconds coz haily heard wrongly! booo...but nvm, still A! and SHUTTLE RUN was the worst. my specs fell off halfway. sheesh man don't ever do shuttle run with your specs on that's the stupidest thing to do. okay fine, my specs are just way too loose i don't like them. woa but it was like some drama scene la! my specs fell to the ground and for that split second i hesitated like "crap what should i do!" then AIYA NVM CHIONG AHHHH. and i thought i was gona fail HAHA.

IPU was cool, larry was nice. SBJ was cool too. teopp was hilarious! she was trying to be ENCOURAGING. she was telling michelle "come on come on you can do it! look there look there! *points far far away* imagine you are very light and that you can FLYY!!!" then she told someone else "imagine that there is a river 160cm wide filled with CROCODILES! you must jump over the crocodiles!" ROFLMAO!

eh today kok and i decided to set up a club! its called the winners' club! we do everything that winners do/will make us become winners. like RUN (2.4) and JUMP UP AND DOWN THE AMPHI STEPS (SBJ) and do IPU against the railings and uh many many more winner stuff! oh and sing also (aspiring singapore idols =D) and the best part is, you don't need to be a winner to join the winners' club! as long as you're an aspiring winner (loser also can).

ohno this post is extremely rubbish what on earth has happened to me. there's like english test tmr and im supposed to be freaking out yo.