my hard disk crashed, aka all my files, photos and music are gone! =( on sunday night after i printed my geog report the whole thing just blacked out, so i've been surviving on my brother's ultra slow computer for the past few days. my dad sent it in to the workshop but they couldnt do anything about it, so now the only solution is to go to sim lim square or some other place to restore my hard disk, which costs $150! today on the phone...
me: 150? not that ex right? can restore!
mom: yeap okay, so the 150 will come from your hangbao money ah
*gulps* okay so if you see me skipping lunches and recesses this period you know why. BUT, if you really don't wanna see me suffer, then donate to the support-a-mel welfare fund! every cent counts; your donation is appreciated (=
argh, i regret being so kind as to offer ice cream treats to multiple ppl over the past 2 weeks. from simple tasks like getting jody to help me print and hand in my bowling reflections, to ridiculously lame antics like daring chrisanda to befriend that little fairfield primary school kid at the bowling alley for a cornetto (chris has a crush on that kid. paedophile!)
speaking of ice cream, hazel and i went to great world on tuesday after our 2.4 for ben and jerry's free cone day! 2 cones after the run was really satisfying!
BUT i think i was being punished for being so greedy and taking 2 cones- I TOOK THE WRONG BUS ARGH. i can't believe it! i've been going home from kimseng like a gazillion times and of all places, i took the wrong bus home from kimseng. i've always assumed that every sbs bus which stops there goes to the mrt. which was true, until they added 2 new buses- 5 and 175. and so that day i saw 175 and flagged it and thought to myself "hmm this bus number seems weird, i've never seen it before. but nvm, its an sbs bus so it must go to the mrt!" and happily boarded. 5mins later i was on the expressway to bukit merah -.-
to cut the long story short, i took 2 hours to get home. hahah and now im reminded of an even more loser experience on my way to kimseng in sec1! i was happily listening to my mp3 and after waiting for quite a long while for bus 16 it finally came. so i happily boarded the bus, and once again, 5mins later, i was on another random expressway. so i got freaked out and i looked at the bus number: 63?! and then i realised, i was so engrossed with my music that i boarded the bus IN FRONT of 16, which was 63! HAHA! crap and so i had to stop at outram and uh cross the overhead bridge WITH MY BOWLING BAG and head back the other way. WITH MY BOWLING BAG. i can't believe i was actually...determined enough to go for trng on my own with my bowling bag in sec1. hmm maybe coz the balls were lighter then hee.
hmm, life hasn't been really great this period. but i guess there have still been little things that have cheered me up over the past week or so. be it just laughing at random things like yaru's phobia of flying pigeons, to special moments like that special someone talking to you (= but i guess what's really been keeping me going is this song that we sung for worship last sunday:
Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbows?
Are you tired of spinning round and round?
Wrap up all those shattered dreams of your life
Wrap up all those shattered dreams of your life
And at the feet of Jesus, lay them down.
Give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus
Shattered dreams, wounded hearts, and broken toys.
Give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus
And He will turn your sorrows into joy.
He never said you only see sunshine,
He never said there would be no rain.
He only promised a heart full of singing
About the very thing that once brought pain.
grabbed this from irina's blog. 113's class mascot: BAUBLES! played a prank on them during their last psl session. in view of april fool's, shimin and i told them we accidentally dropped baubles into the toilet bowl while throwing him across the cubicles and that he was soaking wet.
doesn't baubles look cute! but i think the person beside him looks cuter =)