Sunday, May 13, 2007

i finally understand what it means to really care for someone. beyond just pure infatuations or having that someone always on your mind. i've been given opportunities to really learn to care for ppl over the past week- be it sending an sms of encouragement, or just offering to pray for someone. i realise im always too caught up with myself and im almost always only interested in telling ppl about me, myself and i.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. -Philippians 2:3,4-

yea, so i shall learn to be more caring towards others and more genuinely interested in them. so don't be too surprised if i come up to you and ask you "HOW'S LIFE" or "SO, WHAT DID YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST TODAY?" okay kidding, that would be called obsession. WTH SPEAK OF OBSESSION, audrey says im obsessed over someone! HELLO! IM NOT! im totally over that someone okay im just being CURIOUS! curious =/= obsession! rawrrr.

ORA was cool, though standing in front of the sandwich maker for two hours totally was NOT cool. i was dying of heat in fact.

had brunch with the senior1s after morning service today. great time to really get to know the younger ones (not like we're very old la). oh and this week my parents are going to shanghai! which means my mom cant take the senior1 class, which also means they'll be combining with our class next sunday! hmm....sounds interesting doesnt it. haha. im actually quite looking forward to it, i mean, a change from the usual sundays.

anyway, yes my parents are going to shanghai this wednesday. another week of going to school on my own in the morning. boohoo =(

anyway, tess and i were having really cool talk over brunch today! we were reminiscing about our past (why do i always make us sound old). oh the kong hwa days when we were prefects and we had to do those horrible guard-the-staircase duties, chasing those impish little p1s who tried to sneak into class during recess to get their water bottles.

ohhh and then we talked about how we used to have this soccer club with our brothers called the WHITE KNIGHTS club whereby we'd play soccer everywhere (and thrash random fatties outside the east coast restaurant while our parents were having dinner). oh and tess and i used to love to play pretend and her brother would always laugh at us. then once he laughed at us playing teacher and i got so pissed i told him IM NOT GONA BE IN THE WHITE KNIGHTS CLUB ANYMORE and he said "OKAY LOR!" and i got even more pissed i started crying x)

hoi audrey ho says my posts are boring! argh! im pissed again i shall stop here now. grrr >:(