Tuesday, May 15, 2007

chris is some bomb la x)

haha yst's trng was really cool. on our way there on the bus we were watching movie trailers from the big screen outside lido. the trailers were extremely hilarious- 200 pounds beauty and ring of glory. HAHA audrey and i were super set to go watch 200 pounds beauty after we saw the trailer la! but thnx alot dude for pangseh-ing me. now i've got no one to watch it with =( ring of glory was actually quite gross. SERIOUSLY GAY GROSS. im never ever gona watch that.

anyway during trng cat told us that the team's gona be trng at singapore poly from next year onwards! rawrrr! hello why does everything always have to start next yr huh =( so while the rest were busy discussing plans for next year, the sec4s were having their own little conversations. i was singing HERE WITHOUT YOU to audrey and she said if i were to sing that i'd scare my boyfriend away. AHAHAH WTH! my singing a bit the too zai la. IM HERE WITHOUT YOU BABY.

oh yesss audrey held me back by 15mins after school today to teach me "the take over, the break's over" on the guitar! and yes after having not touched the guitar for more than 2 weeks i decided to go home and prac "the take over, the break's over" and HERE WITHOUT YOU x) and TADA i have this really humongous round blister on my fourth finger now, coz i think my fingers became soft and unconditioned.

anyway, played one game during trng yst. and this is called perseverence! haha not exactly a very high score la, but i mean this goes to show that even though the first few frames bowl like crap, there's still hope, so never give up! x) top one! =D

yayy. ouch my blister hurts. and differentiation is the most horrible creature on earth. and next we're gona learn integration which is practically the reverse of differentiation. so, can you imagine the question:


i) Differentiate the above expression.

ii) With respect to your answer from part i, perform the law of integration.

Final answer: wtewt9vgaw453

Congratulations, you have just performed differentiation and integration to get the exact same expression (: