If you look around and see some joys have passed you by
Don’t feel blue, just get up and live
And if you ever sigh over things you wish you’d try
Now’s the time to get up and live
Don’t set your heart on things you have missed
But look out to the horizon
And get up and live
One day, one day, one day at a time
One day, one day at a time
One day, one day, living one day at a time
One day, one day at a time
And if your past romances lie behind in ruins
Start to love yourself and get up and live
And if some painful memory keeps you hiding from tomorrow
Take a second chance to get up and live
But don’t let your sorrow scold you
Don’t live in the past
And don’t let your failures hold you
Just get up and live
If you had a dream of what you might have been
Don’t let go, just get up and live
And if you think the years turn too quickly through life’s pages
Take what’s left and get up and live
But don’t mourn the years that have drifted
Or what might have been
Take hold of all you’ve been given
And get up and live
Get up and live
One day, one day, living one day…
Ooh one day, one day, just live one day
Just live one day...one day…at a time…
hello i really really love this song. in fact, it feels so much better reading the lyrics than listening to the song itself.
Smile mel....smile.....
why did it take me so long to realise. with man, NOTHING is possible. with God, EVERYTHING is possible. i guess i've really been counting on myself too much.
and i realise i don't really know how to care for ppl. i mean, deep down inside i really care for them, but somehow i really just don't know how to show it, so it may come across to the other party as apathy. hey...but im an spsl after all, so i can't be THAT bad eh? heh...
mel's open house schedule:
7:30-9:35 ushering
9:35-10:30 sleep
10:30-11:30 bowling booth
12:00-1:00 psb booth
1:00-2:00 film cluster booth
i have more than half the mind to start lamenting and complaining. (after all, my mom just spoke to me in the car today saying how psb has been taking up so much of my time, though indirectly but nonetheless further expressing her lack of support for me joining the board. just lack of support, not disapproval.) but i still have the other half of the mind to give thanks for everything possible- that i can have one hour of sleep in between and that i have half an hour to have my FREE lunch.
oh wow somehow the thought of sleep and lunch has made me smile (= by the way, ok i admit my stomach isnt as fat as i have been describing it to many ppl over the past 2 weeks. but you still gotta believe me, my waistline is 26. no, not hips. waist-positively sure. 2 inches fatter than the ideal, ohmy since when do i ever exceed. but don't worry, im not ano. i do want to put on some weight too, just not at the tummy x)