camp was awesome.
frankly, on sunday night as i was packing i was still wondering whether i had made the right decision to go for the camp. afterall, it was the last week of school holidays and i had so many things to complete and there'd be trng 3 times a week. also, when i first found out it was at BB campsite i was like aircon....mozzies...ahhhh. too used to those church camps where we stay in cool resorts with cool aircons i guess x)
but i just knew and hoped that there'd be something that would come out of this camp for me. and so holding on to that hope that'd i'd learn something, i went for camp threequarter-heartedly (hah, it was slightly more than half-hearted).
and boy did i come back from camp not having a single regret. ok fine, there's gona be a lot of stuff to chiong over the next few days, but that's seriously nothing compared to what i learnt in camp. not just about godliness. there were also many valuable experiences with certain people that i never would be able to experience on normal sundays.
but now i've got a red nose from yst's treasure hunt. it was fun nonetheless =D
oh and the campsite wasnt that bad after all k! i was FREEZING in my bottom bunk on the first night. can you believe it. FREEZING under a FAN in a BOTTOM BUNK. how ironic. ahahah to think that i was missing my aircon when i saw the fans.
oh and on the last night our dorm devotion lasted for one hour! haha the first 2 nights lasted for only like 10mins. but i guess last night we really had some heartfelt sharing.
aiya i shall stop here for now coz im really tired. i didn't go to my bed when i came back from camp this afternoon. wow! amazing! in fact i spent quite some time on chinese and geog. yay i guess God's rewarding me with alertness and some night energy coz i went for the camp!
okay i shall just stop here now since im getting rather tired. will let the pictures (and maybe some vidoes hurr) do the talking next post!
and to camp comm (if any of you are reading this) : thanks for everything! camp holympics was great! =D (without the mozzies and the lizards and the humongous beetle on the second flight of stairs which takes one whole night to crawl down 2 steps)
trng tmr. ahh....hope i dont oversleep. and i need to go and do my chem expt again but i've run out of zinc sulphate =( I NEED ZINC SULPHATE SOLUTION! *hint hint* =D