wahooooo i finally figured out chem qn2! woahh though i didnt really get down to thinking about it beforehand, it was kind of hogging the back of my mind over the past few days. but but but today i saw sarah online and decided to give it a shot and after much "i think sos" and "maybes", BINGO! HAHAH! YAY THANKYOU SARAH (=
wahh now i can go for camp in peace! im gona chiong tonight and tmr morning. went back with hazel on wed to do the expt actually. and we managed to get 1.1V! after much struggle though...HAHA we kind of used up all the filter papers in the lab and i soaked my hand in potassium nitrate for like how long my skin started peeling after that. (and we actually had macs and ate fries with our hands after that yumyum)
i was so happy when i got the 1.1V i started taking super a lot of photos of my set up. HAHA i was like doing a photoshoot for it la! angle here angle there.
yay yay camp tmr! more or less packed, and i think im bringing a lot of junk. nvm, more better than less =D i brought fruit and breakfast bars! haha in case i get hungry at night. haiya but im going late coz of trng =( booo cheat my money la i thought this week was like our last week of trng EVER and so i didnt wana miss it and all the emo-ness, so i thought i'd sacrifice a bit of my camp. but apparently we still have to train once a week after the hols! woahh...cheat my money =( i shall try and pon trng on wed, with an excuse letter la of course =D haiya we're so old and senile alrdy...useless to the team....they should let us off. HAHA. ohmygoodness we're sec4s, we're OLD! okay that was really random.
yay photos!
haha made this for my dad today =D
these are my friends...
and that's kegan!! charmant's favourite. ahahahha he looks so cute! but aiya he wasn't in a good mood today, so he was frowning alot =( HAHA he was actually growling at tess who was performing antics in front of him.