Tuesday, October 07, 2008

isle pre-ex camp at pulau ubin was fun (=

we fed mosquitoes.

we attempted to sing 100 green bottles all the way down to 0, but gave up at 89.

we prepared dinner in the dark for the first 45mins, and took another 1h 15mins to prepare the entire meal x)

we bathed with one bucket of water each. kim, liting and i were smart enough to wash our hair under the tap outside so that we could use more water (=

we practised running in zig-zags just in case we ran into wild boars. (they can't run in zig-zags, they'll topple coz their legs are too short)

breakfast at the highest point of pulau ubin =D

justine, im presuming this is the unglam pic you were talking abt. well if you actually think about it, i was probably looking UPSET because justine made me carry her 1.5 litre bottle while she, the one clad in black, was EMPTY HANDED! (shh justine dont tell them what was in your right hand)

went for vaccination today. 3 jabs. my arms are aching like siao now =( my arm movement has been restricted to that of the lower arms. i look like a hamster!

more pics next time, camera is with my bro for the next 3 weeks and i forgot to upload the pics before he took it =/