Friday, January 26, 2007

ah my parents are in malaysia attending a wedding now. which means, i'll be kind of home alone from now till sunday! excluding my uh maid and my cat. and my brother's probably gona be out 24/7.

anyway, more and more ppl are beginning to learn the algorithm march! yayyy!!! hahahaha! yes audrey you're a trendsetter x) woa yst during lunch the canteen was super crowded and i was queuing up to buy food. then i saw audwee sitting at the table like 10m away. so i waved to audwee and audwee waved back to me. then suddenly, out of nowhere, like 10m apart, WE STARTED DOING THE ALGORITHM MARCH. HAHAHA! at first i was like wooah this is so cool man doing algorithm march with someone sitting 10m away from you! then after i finished i was so happy. then i paused and i suddenly i realised PEOPLE WERE STARING AT ME. ohmyworddd can you imagine how embarrassing it is! i mean 1) they won't even know that its the algorithm march 2) they won't even see audrey at the other end doing it with me. and so they probably thought i was some possessed lunatic doing random actions to nobody! sheesh it was embarrassing =(

thennn thenn today we had no trng coz of the sec1 trials. and so we went down to help. and the moment i reached the alley, audwee pei yin and cui er came MARCHING up to me the ALGORITHM style! HAHA! woooahhh and so 4 of us stood in line and started algorithm marching across the alley! hahaha! and then steffi and krystal and desiree and charlotte and all the other peeps were so BLOWN AWAY by our BREATHTAKING performance that they wanted to learn it too =) woaah but now audrey must learn the jap lyrics so that she can sing PROPERLY while we're doing it! if not its always nanananananana SHOOM SHOOM nanananannana PYUU PYUU nananana OWARI!

anyway, my brother, andy and i are gona be worship leading for flm next saturday. and this is gona be really challenging! coz i mean this is the first time im worship leading a group of ADULTS. like ADULTS. the thought of it is just rather intimidating. i mean, literally translated from chinese, they've eaten more salt than we've eaten rice and crossed more bridges than we've walked roads. and well obviously they're more spiritually mature and knowledgeable than i am. and so, i guess it'll take a whole lot of courage to be able to share verses with them and lead in prayer. but the amazing thing is, be it a mere coincidence or really God's planning, someone shared with me this verse just last week:

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Tim 4:12

How much more appropriate can this verse be. and i must say when someone shared this with me i was really encouraged and determined to serve the Lord. never did i expect 2 significant opportunities to come knocking on my door so quickly =)

wheee anyway, today during chinese lao shi said she was very happy with all of us coz many of us scored very well for our ting xie! a lot of 30++ upon 35. then she said one person even got FULL MARKS! and GUESS WHO IT WAS. hmmmm I WONDER WHO x) hiak hiak hiak. if only chinese Os were just nothing but ting xie. i'd die of joy man. and lao shi gave me a clip! yayyy. haha this is just like going back to primary school again! ting xieee.

hmm my bro and co. just came up with this new thing. its called the uh, SSS BONDING THING! eh i just realised it doesnt have a name! but sss will be going on outings together on the last sunday of every month! and this sunday we're going to sentosa! yayy great time for bonding.

anyway, shall end off with random orientation photos from natong hui ling!

nette, gan, me and natong!

and that's the beautiful and magnificantly scrumptious oreo cheesecake from ms low! (just try to imagine part of it on mel's face...)