Friday, February 02, 2007


went to sentosa on sunday. it was really really fun! played everything from captain's ball to volleyball to soccer. but the NOT FUN part was that i SPRAINED MY ELBOW while playing volleyball. rawrrrrrr. i kept seeing adie doing the overhand smash thing then i thought it was really cool. so i tried doing it, then adie was like "hit harder!" so i said OKAY! and i WHACKED and *PRRRIIAAAAKKK*.

sheesh man! and so there goes one week of bowling. do u know how sian it feels to go for trng and just SIT THERE and STARE at others bowling for 2 whole hours! wooahhh but i can't blame anyone except myself. my mom kinda scolded me for uh...LACK OF DISCIPLINE and NOT KNOWING MY LIMITS. i must admit its quite qianbian to be playing volleyball and trying all sorts of antics just one week before roll offs. which brings me to my greatest concern: I HOPE I CAN BOWL FOR ROLL OFFS ON MONDAY. if i cant i will just cry. and anyway, even if i can bowl on monday, i'll probably bowl badly coz i havent touched my ball for more than a week. sighh. mel rocks. okay i shall pledge not to play any exotic sport other than bowling and tennis from now till bdiv.

oh but fortunately aunty cat didnt scold me! i thought she'd scream at me or something. but well she just GRABBED my elbow, stared at it and went " better take care ah...". ohwells but im quite certain my elbow will recover faster if the JUNIORS STOP WHACKING AND PUSHING ME. *glares at desiree* waha speaking of juniors, today vivian was reading to us the code of conduct, and one of them was "you shall respect your seniors at all times. this includes NOT MESSING THEIR HAIR and NOT PUSHING OR WHACKING THEM". waaahh i couldn't help but have this sense of satisfaction man! hahaha! but the juniors were really guai kae! cheryl and rachel kept giving me that 90degrees japanese bow after that. waah not bad not bad x)

anyway, english lesson the other day was really amusing. towards the end of the lesson everyone was really sian...

mr j: do you all understand? you can ask me any questions if you want to.
michelle: can i ask you a question, but its not related to ethnocentrism!
mr j: sure sure go ahead! *eagerly anticipates*
michelle: how long do you take to wax your hair in the morning?
*whole class bursts out laughing* *mr j turns red*
mr j: i have to do it within 3 minutes, or else i'll be late for school.

woahh and his hair wax has to be specially ordered and imported from USA. anti-gravity hair wax x)

ahh tmr's gona be another crazy day. activities back to back from morning till evening. psl session --> post-mortem --> sli prac --> oc meeting --> church.

i have this strong urge to bowl on sunday. i feel really insecure just going for roll offs on monday without having bowled for more than a week. but i hope my elbow recovers by then. my mom says i better pray hard coz everytime before competitions or any roll offs something happens to me. HEH come to think of it, its quite true.

1) sec1 cdiv: ball suddenly got stuck just one week before.
2) sec2 cdiv: left my entire bowling bag in the alley on the day of doubles -.-
3) sec3 bdiv: wart on my toe just one week before.
4) sec4 rolloffs: elbow =(

woaah. speaking of sec1, im reminded of the ugly horsekick habit i used to have. HAHA IT WAS REALLY UGLY AND EMBARRASSING. rachel wong ACCIDENTALLY took a picture of me doing the horsekick during cdiv. but fortunately my back was facing the camera, so NOT AS EMBARRASSING. HEH.

ohwells, im off. ta!