Tuesday, February 27, 2007

SLI WAS DA BOMB. our performance was really cool and so were our hoodies! x) and our snrs came back!! yen + jukie + kaiqi etc! but didnt really get to talk much to them coz had to chiong off for school tour =(

anyway after school tour chionged off for trng again. at first i was just prepared to go there and stone for another 2 hours. then aunty cat suddenly said we were gona have rolloffs and we were like WHAT?! we never knew! we weren't even mentally prepared! so she postponed it to monday BUT since i missed 8 games, i still had to bowl rolloffs on that day with zhimin =S

at first i was just very very confused and scared, coz i didnt even know if i would be able to bowl then. but surprisingly, i tried bowling for the first time in 3 weeks and it didnt hurt! woooa i was so happy man! but ohwells i bowled really "gently" coz i didn't dare to strain my arm again. so haha my bowling was like...uh....avg was also very arghh...

but but but. i can bowl again and im already very grateful to God =) i was really praying very very hard the moment cat said i had to bowl rolloffs that day.

anyway, then we had our very last rolloffs yst. bowled as badly as friday. at first i was quite black-faced and moody and kind of like dao-ing everyone. esp chrisanda! ohmyword i feel so bad she was really really encouraging and cheering for everyone including me. and i mean when i spared/striked she would be really happy and give me a hand, and i'd just hit it without even looking at her =( ohwells but then after that i reminded myself that 1) my hand had just recovered from an injury 2) i haven't been bowling for 3 weeks and so i shouldnt be brooding over not doing well. heh.

anyway we've just been informed that we hafta play for another competition the next 2 saturdays! at first we were supposed to pon founder's day. but somehow there was a mix up in the timing so we're chionging down after founder's day instead =S and and guess what! audrey's my partner for this comps! oh yeah!!

anyway, my parents are heading off to the US tmr and will only be back next tues. at first i was like *rejoice!* and then i realised, OH NO, MOURN. because since we've comps on sat, i'll hafta bring back my balls on friday and then bring them to school on sat morning and then bring it back home after the comps and then bring it back to school on monday! like WTH! THREE BALLS?!

BUT BUT BUT! HEROIC AUDREY + HER MOM DECIDED TO LET ME TOMPANG MY BALLS IN THEIR CAR! oh yeahh! so like friday after trng i deposit it in their car and then on sat morning i take it back. HAHA. ohmyword thank you so much audrey! you just made my WEEK! seriously! i can't imagine taking bus/train with 3 balls and a school bag and a file! not to mention CROSSING THE OVERHEAD BRIDGE. hurrrr. woah audrey i feel greatly indebted to you! my mum says she'll buy stuff for you and your mum from the US x)

anyway im seriously high today man. convention facil groupings are out. and jackie's my co-fac! wahooo! we're so gona rawk psc manz! station games + souvenirs = DA BOMB

anyway, i realised i havent blogged about CNY at all! hmm! caught up with bryan, claire, sarah and co. over the weekend. hahahah we just spent like 2 whole hours at the dinner table pigging out and laughing at random stuff. i simply love CNYs. they make you fat! =D yay the past few english lessons have been fun too because most of the time was spent pigging out again! leftovers from class party, pineapple tarts, love letters, biscuits, peanut cookies. my aim for this CNY is to put on 1kg! =D

ohmyword i just realised cuier is going to school with audrey on sat morning. which means, audrey's car will be carrying 7 balls! ahh petrol petrol! OKAY AUDREY I'LL BRING BA GUA FOR YOU IN RETURN =D ba gua rocks. they taste great, and they make you feel great too x)

RANDOM: im talking to jackie now and we're totally going high! we were talking about someone uploading our dance video onto youtube. then later we said that sometimes we subconsciously start going through the dance in our minds, and how i have our dance song in my phone and she has it in her mp3. then i suggested that ALL THE SPSLS PUT OUR SPSB DANCE SONG AS THEIR RINGTONE! so like everytime someone calls then everyone starts dancing "SHOW OFF THAT BODY YOU GOT" then put step up as msg tone. so when someone receives sms then "BOOOYY!"

hahaha okay im really going bichoso already!