Wednesday, March 07, 2007

my parents are finally back! eh but my dad just went off again to india =S

anyway, SPSLs! check out our cool dance man! =D haha but i think the dance would have looked cooler if some of us PRO-ER people did BACK-UP DANCING INSTEAD! *turn around step clap; turn around step clap* lol.

anyways, geog + chem + chinese test is finally over! chinese was horror. rawr. okay i shall not talk about tests.

yesterday halfway during english we felt the tremors! i felt my chair suddenly shaking on its own. and ying ching thought xiaodi was shaking her table. and shara was like "eh i didn't feel the tremor! eh shake more leh! i wanna feel the tremor!" HOHO like DOOD how can you request for MORE TREMORS so that you can share in this spectecular experience at the expense of others lives! one small shake over at our side would mean A FEW MORE BUILDINGS COLLAPSING on the other side man!

anyway, went to the sports injury doctor today. now i must tape my hand to bowl, which is more protective but also more restrictive. i can't fully straighten it (well duh im not supposed to hur). going back for follow up + physio next week. and he says if it doesnt recover within the given expected time they might hafta resort to injection =S isnt that just as bad as acupuncture (recalls the horrible acupuncutre experience HAHAHA) RAWRRR i hate needles i really do! they PRICK and they POKE! =(

ahh my mom bought me a new watch + an abercrombie top! apparently they're cheaper in the US. but i can assure you this cheap is definitely not cheap at all =.= they probably cost a bomb back here. i have yet to see the top! shall go ask for it later x) ohmyword! i just entered the abercrombie site and there's this polo tee called CHARLOTTE! and and and there's another one called FRANCESCA! AHHAHAA! ohmyword this is way cool man. ah i know there's a slipper brand named after me! and an american cafe also named after me! *is honoured* =D

yayy my mom's ex-ex sunday school class is coming over for steamboat tmr evening! =D i dont know what's the occasion though. A level results? hurr. nvm i shall just chou re nao x)