Friday, March 16, 2007

PSC 07! <3>

AEGEAN: heyyyy AEGEANSEA! its been really fun facilitating your group for the past 3 days! i feel really pleased to see how you all have become so bonded since the first time you met! hope you all will keep in touch!

JACKIE: JACKIE!!! my beloved co-fac! ahhhh we totally roxorz man! hahaha what with the "i pangseh you for station games, you pangseh me back on the last day". anyway, GREAT JOB FOR CREATIVE! (although your comm exceeded budget by $XXX HOHO.) okay and since this also concerns me, i shall help you promote also! OC + FACS: PLEASE BUY BADGES + FILES + SHIRTS + CDS! WE REALLY REALLY NEED TO COVER COST! and don't worry jackie the shirt is super chio okay! ahh i miss the 3 days we spent together! from taking turns to run up to the front to collect logs, to chionging back to school in the POURING RAIN, to HOT katong laksa, to shouting MARRIAAAA! HAHAHAHA!

NORA: hello darling! ahh im really sorry if sometimes i sound super tensed up and keep bombarding you with things to do =( heh i can imagine the fear in you everytime i call you x) but anyway, GREAT job for station games! seriously man, according to many of the participants, station games was really cool and it really helped the groups to bond! ahaha hope you can continue the legacy and become a station games mentor for next year's psc!

MUSLI: helloo you! ahahahah sometimes you are seriously so amusing i don't know whether to scream or to laugh. (eg sending in the OUTDATED logs list LOL) but anyway, great job too! (though i heard that while nora was doing participants debrief, you were SLEEPING in the control room) HOHO.

In reply to your shoutouts:

WEILING: yoyo! yes filling waterbombs was TEH FUN man! woah but COLLECTING RAIN WATER was the most tedious part right?? *grins* woaah fortunately it rained a lot last week man! but anyway, thnx for helping! from vetting proposals to screaming at musli to THINK to filling waterbombs and testing them out and getting yourself wet in the end x)
JONT: HAHA yes we definitely should suggest that the next OC have a waterbomb filling comm. haha thanks for helping the other day! (though i could tell your tying skills were rusty after one year's break LOL) without you, station STATON games wouldn't have been a success! and great job for psc overall!

and to the other chairs, thank you soooo much for all the effort you put in! PSC 07 was definitely a memorable one for both us and the participants! and dont emo k! we still have echo x)
woahh okay. shall post some photos now. (click to enlarge, but they'll be SUPER ENLARGED)

PSC07 after mass games! See the potential, Encourage the capable, Achieve the impossible.

ops comm without the guys. heh.

and the oh-so-memorable ppt slide. we were all so worn out nobody even noticed the typo. thnx jont LOL.
woots trng from 530-830 later. such a weird timing! our dinner's gona be like neither here nor there. and im gona miss my hana kimi AGAIN =( but anyway, good news! my scorching inferno is finally alive again! it had to be sent in for repair again previously. woahh i miss my scorching man! woa now i can count on it for bdiv, or at least it can be my alternative. almost wanted to dump it aside and just use my green ball.

bdiv's in less than a week's time. sheesh! and we're missing physics eoi. speaking of which, EOIs are in 10 days time! was reading bio notes just now but the convention withdrawal syndrome just got the better of me so i just decided to psc-whore now! heh.
okay i better get back to bio now. ciao!