okay i totally agree hana kimi's ending is just horrible. LOL. and their theme song "zhen me ban" is just so irritating but so catchy that once you hear it, it just can't stop ringing in your head. my mom just like caught a few minutes of it just now, and then suddenly she started humming the tune i was like OHMYWORD NOHOOO.
but anyway, WU ZUN + JIRO!!!! <333 XDXDXD nyahaahhaha jiro is plain funny man!
anyway, yesterday in church was a rather crazy day. i unknowingly loaded myself with a whole chain of activities. jss in the morning + sss worship lead then family night sss skit + jss performance. WONDER WOMAN....HMMM. sheesh it was utterly embarrassing to appear in a wonder woman costume in front of everyone man =S but anyway, it still went smoothly! thanks ray + tess for taking over the script and directing everything! lol.
during trng on friday there was this bunch of fatties sitting directly behind our lanes and scrutinizing every single one of us and pinpointing everything we did wrongly and laughing amongst themselves.
1) if they really think they can bowl better than us (which i doubt so), then why not PROVE it to us instead of just sitting there and laughing
2) if they wanna laugh maybe it'd be a much smarter choice to do it DISCREETLY instead of merely pointing at us and REENACTING everything we do
3) this isn't a soccer match so there isn't a need to shout "GOAL" when someone misses a split
one of them in particular was precariously plopped on a high and rather unstable chair and audrey was eagerly awaiting a mere tilt backwards which would lead to a slight shift in the centre of gravity which would then lead to a glorious plummet x)
bdiv's in 2 days time and i seriously dont feel anything. im not panicking like i did 2 years ago. neither am i losing sleep/unable to take my meals. cause for celebration? i have no idea.
this may sound weird but, i miss us. we've been going through some major revamp this period and many many things have changed. but somehow i just miss us. i don't know what and i don't know why =(
ah okay this isn't the time to get emo. science EOIs are next week and the bdiv season is here! (is anyone still going to adhere to the wake-up-3-hours-before-you-bowl rule?!) that would mean 5am dude. and that would mean GO TO SLEEP NOW MEL OR YOU WILL JUST DIE ON WEDNESDAY GOODNIGHT.