Tuesday, March 27, 2007

our tv antenna got struck down by lightning 3 nights ago and my dad refuses to get it fixed for the benefit of our studies. sheesh, i hardly watch tv man! at most only like twice a week, and now i can't even watch any tv at all, except for tv mobile which broadcasts nothing but food documentaries which aren't of much help coz all you do is sit there and drool =/

anyway this morning i suddenly had this really irritating headache. i think it was coz i was sitting right in front of the humongous screen and for 2 consecutive lessons the teachers were making use of the visualiser. and i find it really blinding when the teacher conveniently sweeps worksheets across the visualiser coz when you're sitting like only half a metre in front of the screen all you see is white zooming past your eyes =S

then during lunch i stayed back to chiong physics and i suddenly had this puking sensation and i was craving for something sour. so roo and hazel started speculating the possibility of me being pregnant and we started tracing back to when i was last in contact with a guy. haha what rubbish. but surprisingly after physics test i felt perfectly fine! HOHO maybe its called the er pre-physics-stress-syndrome.

yesterday's nationals was crap. sigh but there are still 2 more days! BASHA! yes i can't give up just like that. heh frankly after my first 2 games yesterday i kind of gave up, which explained my scores. bowled quite well on the first day and somehow i just thought it was a fluke, so i think that affected my confidence level.

abby's and my new quote: aim for the SUN, so if you miss, you'll land in the stars! *is INSPIRATIONAL* x) jiayou bdiv! today is a SHUNNY day! x)

ohmyword speaking of which, though yesterday's nats was crap, it was still quite amusing. abby and i were bowling beside sports school for our first 2 blocks of games. then during our last game we were bowling beside tk and we decided to be HIONG and like shout after every strike or spare. but it took us quite some guts to do it (and i never got down to doing it HAHA). and so this girl striked. and well there are usually 2 reactions when one strikes/spares

reaction 1: act cool and silently walk back as if nothing ever happened, politely tapping everyone's hands

reaction 2: clench your fist as an indication of victory and triumphantly and confidently shout "YEAAAHHHHHHH" as a form of releasing your sense of satisfaction.

and so tk this girl striked and she turned around and took in a deep breath ready to shout. and so i was just standing there expecting reaction number 2 from her. but all of a sudden she suddenly just FLAPPED HER HANDS AND JUMPED FROM ONE LEG TO ANOTHER LIKE A JELLY and shrieked "YEAH!" AHAHAHHAHA ohmyword it was super funny la i couldnt tahan i just burst out laughing. HAHAHHHAA but they were nice ppl. i like tk bowlers =)

speaking of which, audrey and i are currently suspecting that the person whom she called by accident quite some time ago is a tk bowler. here's what happened, somewhere during the hols last year. audrey just changed her phone so she re-keyed all her contacts and their numbers and probably keyed mine in wrongly. and so one morning there was trng but i hadnt arrived yet.

audrey *calls mel*: HELLO MEL? WHERE ARE YOU NOW"

person: *sleep-deprived* huh? mel what mel?

audrey: aiya nvm. where are you now!

person: huh...im at home sleeping...


person: huh, trng? you mean there's trng today?!

audrey: YEAH!! wait, who are you?

person: CHWEE ANN

audrey: oh...ooops, sorry wrong number!

person: erghhhh......*sleepily groans and hangs up the phone, resuming her beauty sleep*

HAHAHAHA. and there's this tk bowler whose name sounds somewhat the same so, heh. what a small world!

ohwells, speaking of sleep deprivation, i shall use the next few days to catch up on my sleep. past few days have been seriously crazy, juggling nats + EOIs.