Wednesday, April 04, 2007

ah i haven't been blogging for more than a week, for obvious reasons heh. this post will be dedicated to bdiv.

i shall cut it short and jump straight to the last day-2nd april.

so we got to pon sports fest (our last sports fest in rg). so our comps started in the morning and ended at around 12. ohmyword the lanes were SUPER OILY. SUPER EXTREMELY OILY. SUPER EXTREMELY arent good enough to describe the oil on the lane. basically, they were SUPER OILY LA HAHA. it was soooo annoying coz NOBODY's ball could hook at all. like NOBODY's, including mine! and when mel's ball can't hook on the lanes, then there's smth REALLY WRONG with the lanes, hurrr. seriously la! i mean like shots thrown which would have been a nice pocket shot on normal conditions just went straight down and chopped pin 2! ohmyword la! at one point i was just so tempted to take my cloth and walk straight up to the lane and like WIPE OFF THE OIL or smth.

so anyway, because of the super oily lane conditions nobody bowled well. yea la so we were kind of on par. so after the games we thought we'd still be able to maintain our 3rd position. then we went down to the EATZI place for lunch! aunty cat treated the entire team ohmyword! she rocks! imagine treating your entire team to SIRLOIN/RIBEYE STEAK and executive sets LOL.

so anyway, they played an april fool's prank on aunty cat (our bdiv april fool's specialty!). zhimin pretended to faint and was like lying on the floor with her eyes closed. then aunty cat rushed over and she was like "ZHIMIN! ZHIMIN! CALL AMBULANCE CALL AMBULANCE!" ahahahhahaha super funny la!

then after lunch aunt cat suddenly told us that tk bowled quite well and that they caught up and we confirm lost to them alrdy, and so we were in 4th place. and ij was coming in close to tk and there was a possibility that we'd drop to 5th! ohmyword we got a shock la! my first we reaction when i heard it was OH CRAP 5TH?! THAT'S LIKE NO TROPHY + NOT SEEDED NEXT YEAR! like what a good way to end my last bdiv in rgbowling man! so the entire team was super disappointed la. we all sat on the floor in one corner emo-ing and sulking and stoning and what not. 5th?! *FAINTS* and like we just couldnt believe we were 5th so we went around asking and even uncle adam said yea after calculations, we were probably 5th. so we just sat there and continued emo-ing and listening to emo songs on our mp3s and what not.

then like 30mins before prize presentation, aunty cat called us to one corner and she was kind of like grinning. so we all swarmed around her and we were like "AUNTY CAT! SO WHAT DID WE GET??? HUH HUH HUH! REALLY 5TH AH?" and she was like "wait for everyone to come first then i say!" and we were like WTH DONT CARE JUST SAY QUICK. and finally after a loooooong wait when everybody gathered,

aunty cat: tk beat ij by 1 point.

us: HUH?! ohmyword so what are we? 5th? 6th? 7th?!!

aunty cat: *long pause*.....

us: *waits eagerly*..........

aunty cat: ..............*shows a number 3 with her fingers*


ohhhhhmyyyyyyyyygoooooodneeesssss weeeee gooooot thirrrrddd! HAHAHA everyone just started screaming "THIRD!!" and hugging and CRYING. i mean it was tears of JOY and RELIEF. and some ppl cried until super read, like vivian and CHERYL. hurrrr. it was super funny la! everyone was just like standing still and CRYING and CRYING like a 3 year old kid who lost his mom and just found her.

then after we kind of found back our sanity,

aunty cat: actually during lunch i already knew we were confirm third


aunty cat: you all prank me for how long already? 3 years already leh! *starts recalling the 3 horrible pranks we played on her over the past 3 years* now is my time to get back!

WOAAHHHHH HAHAHAHHA WE ALMOST KILLED HER MAN. ohmyword 2 whole hours of EMOTIONAL TRAUMA over an APRIL FOOL'S TRICK?! ahahahhahahah crap aunty cat owes us big time man! woah but i think we looked like big jokes sitting there for 2 hours emo-ing and brooding over nothing la! like almost everyone knew that we were 3rd except us coz cat roped in so many ppl for the prank! AHHA. but nvm, we looked stupid together. I LOVE YOU RGBDIV! WE GUYS ROCK!

ok so we proceeded to the lanes for prize presentation. blablabla sports school koped most of the prizes as expected heh. then when it came to overall school position.

emcees: in 4th place we have CHIJ TOA PAYOH!

us: what?! isn't tk 4th! ohman if ij is 4th then tk is what? 3rd?! then what are we? 5th?!

emcees: in 3rd place we have RAFFLES GIRL'S SCHOOL!

us: phew okay, *cheers and screams* but we weren't cheering so loudly coz we were so shocked tk didn't get 4th! and at that moment all the tk girls were like shocked and traumatised and on the verge of tears.

then like one minute later they announced that there was a MINOR technical error and that 4th place was TANJONG KATONG GIRL'S SCHOOL and we were like OH PHEW OKAY *cheers super loudly for them* woah but im so sure that was a MINOR error la. it almost cost the lives of the entire team =P

but anyway we were really glad tk got 4th! they're such nice ppl! hahah i think tk and rg have this like unusual mutual friendliness to each other, which is cool! tk rocks!

ooh then after that there was photo-taking for the top 4 schools. so like for tk and rg we were just crowding around our beloved school trophy. then mg was crowding around their trophy too, with maybe a couple other individual trophies in front of them. then we turned to look at sports school, woah ONE ENTIRE ROW of individual trophies. it was even so many that they had to SLANT the trophies in a bit so that it could fit one row. HAHAHAHA. we just stood there and like *jaw drops*. nvm, lets just be proud that our country has a lot of potential in this sport. HEH.

ahhh this post is super long! i shall post up photos next time =D oh and thanks to cdiv for supporting us all the way during this period! sec2s for the socks with the love letter and chocolates, sec1s for the cute little pin, and for making the cute banner for us! hahaha. oh yeah and for cheering for us all the way even though it meant losing your voice the next day or smth ahhaha. (and for feeding us m&ms. i mean LITERALLY feeding us coz our hands were oily heh)

okay i shall end off here. roo (my secret admirer) is waiting to read this post. she is the biggest joke ever. shall elaborate in my next post, CYER! ROO YOU CMI LA.