Thursday, April 05, 2007

hmm i was just about to create an emo post but i decided not to, since its already past 11 and there's good friday service tmr morning. hurray i promised abby to share the gospel with 2 friends by easter and i haven't done so yet. sorry abby! nope actually, sorry God. heh. ah i feel so loser its not that i don't want to share, just that im greatly hindered by the fear of facing criticism and having the lack of wisdom to reply. but then i know, wisdom comes from God, not from myself. and as we are constantly reminded- win the debate, but lose the soul.

on a lighter note, just an hour ago...

mom: mel, how do you create a blog? i want to create one.

*mel dies of laughter and faints* (okay doesn't make sense how can you die then faint)

oh yes, a sneak preview into what has been hogging my thoughts for the past few days- my mom doesn't think i should join rjbowling because of politics. "i don't want you to go through another 2 more pitiful years and suffer because i think your past few years have already been rather unpleasant"

i beg to differ. yes, there have been unpleasant happenings over the past few years, but unpleasant happenings does not mean an unpleasant journey. frankly speaking, i am rather thankful to God that such things occurred because they have shaped me into the person i am today. (not that im some friend-of-singa award winner la) but just a few examples of how great an impact these experiences have made in my life- if those things didn't happen,

1) i wouldn't have embarked on my bible reading plan 2 years ago
2) i wouldn't have been talking to audrey every single day

yeap so in conclusion, (sorry mr jeremy couldn't find a better phrase) i have zero regrets joining rgbowling. nope. not even dragging my balls here and there umpteen times a week and making my bag look like a suspicious article on the mrt or raising doubts that an emo kid is on the run away from home, unwisely dragging a whole bag (of presumably clothes) with her. speaking of bowling bags and mrt, i still can't forget how serena accidentally rolled my bowling ball down the escalator =/

oops. didn't i say there's service tmr morning. heh. i shall go off and pick out clothes for tmr. i better make full use of my clothes. (if you realise, i kind of aborted my plan to not buy anything from jan to march. the whole thing just sounded plain ridiculous everytime i hit the malls)

random: i think school uniforms are extremely worth it. cheap yet well utilised =)

random random: this is so ironic. my pinafore is too short and my culottes are too long for me. i should either shrink to fit into my pinafore or grow longer legs for my culottes. maybe a better solution would be to un-hem my pinafore and hem up my culottes. yea that sounds like a better idea.

random random random: okay i really should be going off. happy good friday everyone. spread the love =D