Tuesday, April 10, 2007

ohmyword i was so tired just now but i just watched our rgbowling cheering video and i think its super spastic! HAHAHA! i was seriously dead tired just now but the moment i saw the video it just perked me up and now im all hyper and awake again! =D (not for long though) heh so for those of you who are dying to keep those heavy eye lids open...

this was immediately after prize presentation when everyone was all high and cheering. and christabel was helping us take the video. if you can actually hear, she was getting impatient coz we took so long hahaha.

HAHA WASN'T THAT SPASTIC. oh and if you haven't already noticed, bowlers can't cheer low x) anyway, siah! if you're reading this, send me bdiv pics!

ohh anyway, today is a very special day! today marks the 2nd anniversary of my baptism, together with erlina and sarah! mhmmm. haha last year in view of the church's 70th anniversary, they had this mini gallery-like thingy with all the church's historical events and some more current events. and they just had to put our baptism photos there! mine, tess's and lene's all in one whole row. how embarrassing! i looked really horrible in there coz i remember my mom telling me that baptism was a serious ceremony and though others may be laughing at that point in time, i wasn't supposed to coz i had to take it seriously.

and so i obediently listened to her and when i got into the pool i was like telling myself "ok mel no laughing" and then i ended up FROWNING. and so when they snapped a shot of me i seriously looked like an emo suicidal kid! LOL

okay im really sleepy. shall go off to sleep now. oooh i think im beginning to sleep earlier and earlier. that's an accomplishment! i think the sleep awareness week and sleepy the snail have been a great inspiration to me! i am getting more and more sleep! yay! okay i shall sleep soon....real soon....maybe just.....ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz