like my new skin? =D haha i kind of changed it on impulse, which is kind of weird, coz my skins usually last for a year or more.

anyway i cant stand msn's mini ad box! right now they're advertising the F300 ultra music phone with beyonce endorsing it. so everytime i hover over it the box will pop out and play "TO THE LEFT TO THE LEFT" ohmyword very irritating! cannot tahan! i was quite into that song just a few days ago but now i REFUSE to listen to it coz of the ad. grrrr.
and just listened to the multiple versions of avril's girlfriend. there's french and german and jap and CHINESE. hahah! like "HEY HEY YOU YOU WO BO XI HUAN NI NU PENG YOU. HEY HEY YOU YOU NI XU YAO YI GE XIN DE" ahahah wth. anyway i think that song is horrid la it sounds horrible, the lyrics are horribler and the mv's the horriblest.
hit the sale at taka today. another unfruitful trip =( bought a pair of black skinnies. and loads and loads of food! which im going to eat now before i watch superstar results =D
wait wait but before that! photos! sent the gylc peeps off at the airport on sat. we drew this for them!
cute right! nat on the left, chiobu in the centre and jia on the right =D
and we sooo love the skytrain! hahah sat back and forth for quite a few times. cheap thrill but, still makes us smile! x)
ahahha okok pork floss bun and brownie and beard papa here i comeeee! ok no, just one of them, uh can't decide.