Thursday, June 07, 2007

this is what you get when you spend your entire day at home...

1) Do you like having your picture taken?
yea =D but i must be aware of it! i look horrible in candid shots =(

2) Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it.
A buffer solution resists changes in its pH when a small amount of either acid or alkali is added to it.

3) Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio.
Another winter day has come and gone away in even Paris and Rome and i wanna go home.

4) Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams?
Yea, i even took 3 years to analyze one in particular.

5) Can you sing?
hmm...does croaking count?

6) Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks?
definitely! in the shower, while studying, even in the bowling alley coz its so noisy nobody can hear you x)

7) Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone on line?
yea, i told him i needed to sleep when it was only 10pm x)

8) Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why?
chew gum. mouthwash tastes horrible, and chewing gum makes you look cool.

9) Do you floss?
yeap! when i feel like it.

10) Describe your bedroom, include all details.
rather small, rather neat as of yesterday x) uh...bed...yellow bedsheets. study area's on a platform? and....about 40 soft toys sitting on top of the shelves =D

11) Would you or have you ever shaven your head?

12) How about someone else's?
not really...i wanted to shave my barbie's head, then i realised the hair won't grow back.

13) If you could only talk to one person online who would that be?
the one whom i talk to almost everyday, except for the past week coz she's in hong kong (:

14) Have you ever said lol in real life without thinking about it?
yea, the feelings quite cool when you say it actually. try saying it, pronounce it as lawl x)

15) Say one thing you've learned today.
Resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area.

16) Do you wear a watch?
All the time, except when im bathing and sleeping.

17) Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you've passed on.
She's better off dead. NAH KIDDING.

18) How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
depends. if im going for tuition, just 5 minutes. in terms of REALLY going out, the longest time i've taken to choose my clothes is 1hour. (forget about counting changing time)

19) Do you shower daily?
Yea, but i wash my hair on alternate days. today is wash hair day =D

20) Name something you've done in the last 24hrs no matter how big or small.
walked into the storeroom to get a can of green tea. opened a new carton the wrong way, almost sent 12 cans rolling onto the floor. walked out satisfied with my can of green tea and almost died of shock when my brother came jumping out from behind the door.

21) Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books?
yes, yes and yes.

22) What is the strangest thing you've ever done?
In my entire life? I can't remember. but within the past 24 hours, that would be standing in front of the mirror and imitating takuya kimura in his gatsby ad. got really dizzy after that =S

23) Have you ever been on tv or the radio?
accidentally? YES. not too long ago...

24) How high have you counted before getting bored?
40 x 400 times. math pt.

25) Describe how you sleep. (ie. your position and/or how you fall asleep)
i usually lie on my left side, then get restless and turn over, then start to fear that something creeps up and jumps on me from my left side, so turn back over to my left side to ensure nothing jumps on me. i pray in bed and always fall asleep halfway through my prayer. sometimes if i remember where i left off, i'll continue my prayer in the morning =D

26) What is the most expensive item you own? piano i guess.

27) How about the least expensive?
ah, the eraser i picked up from the canteen floor in primary 1. priceless =D

28) Name your worst quality.
im rather impatient and can snap at ppl when im in a bad mood.

29) Name your best.
that i can acknowledge my worst quality.

30) Do you blowdry your hair?
nope, unless my mom catches me washing my hair at 11pm.

31) What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning?
ew, my retainers stink and i can't wait to take them off now. (that's actually my motivation to wake up)

32) Tell me about your dream last night.
uh i really have to.....i was in a heated argument with someone and i scolded that person an effing b*tch =S hey i wouldn't do that in real life k! im not so vulgar!

33) What's your favorite cereal?
banana nut crunch!

34) Describe the worst fight you've ever been in whether physical or verbal. p2....when i was fighting with my brother. he rammed the phone against my head and i got so pissed i pushed him and he landed on the sofa. then i shoved the glass top of the coffee table off and it landed on the floor. but it didn't break! solid sia! xD

anyway, i never knew i could find so much joy and amusement in watching american sitcoms at 1am. they are seriously so much better than those prime time local sitcoms. i shall try it again today =D