oh so many things have happened over the past week.
though i only managed to go for the second day, it was still really fun (: played MINI MAHJONG (gave up after about 5 rounds) and made this out of my super mini mahjong set:
hahahaha isnt it cool! made by jac and me! =D disclaimer: this in NO WAY implies that psb is made of mahjong. it just implies that psb is filled with ppl who love to play mahjong =D
we also played POOL! yes we decide that we don't wanna be losers who go to jc not knowing how to play pool (okay kidding la pool doesn't make you a winner, we just wanted to act cool) so a whole bunch of us noobs stomped into the pool room past a few pros and CONFIDENTLY played. hey, not too bad k! jac and i won 2 rounds! wahooo.
hey we really spent the whole day baking and cooking. ok and we watched 200pounds beauty. ohoh and sheryl and i finally gave in to serene and let her introduce us to her jap drama- 1 litre of tears. HAHA the title itself alrdy sounds so sad la i dont wanna continue watching coz i dont wanna end up producing 1 litre of tears.
err i think i've gone shopping about thrice this week, but i didn't really buy much. but im still happy with what i bought =D met the twins while shopping yst. haha ohmy imagine if we buy the same blouse/stuff and end up wearing the same blouse/stuff to church next week. HAHA. but actually what's so embarrassing about wearing the same thing as someone! it just goes to show that we 2 have good taste =D
oh and my mom says i should wear more dresses so i bought a dress yst. actually i bought another dress some time ago but i have yet to wear it coz i can't find any occasion to wear it and i also dont dare to wear it.
random: okay i just spotted someone with "spider lilies" on his msn nic. hello you're 5 years underage to watch that movie.
not random: i've been thinking about this over the past few days. why do ppl actually talk bad about others behind their backs. because seriously, talking behind their backs won't help the victim at all. if they really care about that person, why not talk to her personally, encouraging her to change her ways? worse still, if the person whom you're gossiping to is the victim's friend, won't that friend feel very hurt too?
haha okay i think im being rather vague here. i shall stop now and continue this elsewhere....in a more specific and confidential manner.
BY camp's in 2 days time. there goes 4 days of the last week of our holidays. nonetheless spent in a meaningful way (= i shall NOT complain about how im gona miss 3 episodes of jiayoujinshun esp monday's episode which is super exciting. i shall also NOT complain about how i'll be unable to go down to watch css round 2 live.
ohyes and im gona wax my legs. they look like hairy monsters and ppl have been commenting about them over the past few weeks. yes so if you're reading this, pls dont comment about my legs anymore coz they'll only make me more conscious about them =( only problem is that veet's non-heated wax strips are only suitable for max hairlength of 5mm. and my hair length is like 2.5cm?! its like 5 times the maximum length for effective waxing! i feel so hurt =( and pls don't go and measure your own hairlength after reading this. your hair will feel extremely inferior as compared to mine. (yeah right, as if you'll listen to me. i bet you're taking out a ruler and attempting to measure your hairlength now right. HAH, GOTCHA!)
audrey offered to wax one leg for me while i waxed the other. her reason: if i wax one leg at a time, i may backout after the first wax and i'll end up having an ugly bald patch amidst a hairy jungle. but by waxing 2 legs at a time, i don't have a chance to backout. hmm, cool idea. i just need some time to pluck up the courage. then when im brave enough, CHIONG AHHHH WAX WAX WAX. THE END. SMOOTH, SALON and SEXY legs happily ever after (=
WATCH OUT PPL. im gona have killer legs soon.