mom (to my bro) : J, i think mel's distracting you too much you can't concentrate on your econs. i better bring her out of the house. mel, come lets go shopping.
ROCKSSSSS XDXD. ahhahah! aiya but i didn't buy anything in the end la =( not that i need anything actually. centrepoint was a disappointment. but my mom promised we'd try taka tmr! =D
met sherry and her mom on the PIE. how cool is that man x)
anyway, a very IMPORTANT thing to take note of: when you're talking about a person with someone else, always make sure that you're talking about the SAME person. HAHA jac and i are like super LIUSERS pls! last night we so happened to mention A and B. then jac started talking about A, but i thought she was referring to B. so i replied her by talking about B, and she thought i was talking about A, and this continued on for like 10mins. and suddenly "EH, ISN'T SHE IN CLASS *censored*??" AHAHAHHA WTH! super liuser la! woa fortunately we didnt start bitching about either of them. ahahah imagine "EH SHE SUCKS LA" "YEA MAN I THINK SHE SUCKS!" then EH, DIFFERENT PPL! LOL!
worship leading yesterday went fine, CHERYL AND I DIDN'T ZAO XIA! ahahaha! some of the songs were really very high la, like open the eyes of my heart. and why do songs have similar titles huh! like when you think of Jesus, lover of my soul, which one comes to your mind?
Jesus, lover of my soul, Jesus, I will never let you go
or Jesus, lover of my soul. All consuming fire is in Your grace?
mine's the first one. anyway, i still find praying on stage scary =( ahaha so far all the prayers i've prayed need to be thought-thru, i can't just go up there and like "AS THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES ME" kinda thing. ohwells, as the Holy Spirit leads me then x)
hahaha jac's latest post is super the cool! i shall kope this from her blog and help advertise!
For tRuE lOvE<333 to enter your life, you have to do this:
1) SMS F5 to 71199
2) Call 1900 112 3305
3) tell all your friends!
now, because it's magic, you can only do it between 8pm-10pm - only then it will work!!! Wow!
If you do steps 1-3...
0 times: you will never get a bf/gf/lover/spouse and will be locked in crate of oranges till your death, plus i will never visit your blog again, nor will i link you. HMPH!
1-2 times: your crush will look at you
3-5 times: your crush will look & smile at you
6-8 times: your crush will look, smile & talk to you
9-11 times: your crush will ask you out
12-14 times: your crush will become your bf/gf
15-17 times: your crush will be your stead
18-20 times: you will marry your crush (who is now your stead) and live happily ever after
more than 20 times: all your wishes will come true!!!
ahahah and then there's a pic of leejunki with "vote f5" on it. LOL! anyway, yes vote f5! tonight! 8-10pm, channel u =)